For Parents
We Are Here for You
We know the decision to reach out for help is not easy. As parents, you’re probably wondering what to do. Along with that comes so many emotions: sadness, uncertainty, guilt, anger, confusion and even fear. We will support you through those feelings and help your family heal and grow. When your child attends Charis, we become part of your team. We’ll be with you through this journey. We’re ready, willing and able to talk if you have questions or concerns about anything at all.
Taking the Next Step
The right care, right now, can make a lifetime of difference for kids suffering from mental health, addiction and behavioral issues. Treatment gives them the tools to manage their stress, succeed in school, maintain better relationships, feel better about themselves and commit to lifelong positive change. While your loved one is here, you will benefit too. At Charis, treatment is for the whole family. It’s a time of reflection, healing, communicating and working together. In our charis@home program, everyone who plays a significant and positive role in your child’s life is included. We approach the family in a unique way that allows changes at home to parallel changes at Charis. It eases the struggle to create lasting positive change. We succeed when your child leaves Charis in harmony with themselves, their family and the world.

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